Donnerstag, 4. Januar 2024
In the proximity of San Francisco it is, in my view, like a better place to live. Today I went to Rockridge, a half an hour walk on foot. On College Avenue a elderly woman in a wheelchair wished me happy New Year, how are you. What kindness and smiling that makes me feel good. Cloudy weather doesn't mean unpleasant humour.
Rain is different here. Birds are gathering in the tree, humming birds are around in the bushes. If the Oakland Fire Brigade comes around, the sirens are very noisy. The police and ambulance rushing to a far away place with their sirens are even more frightening, a male biker I have seen pressed his hands on his ears. I'm not worried, why? It is my awareness being in a neighbourhood where my daughter and her fiancé are living. Working from home, playing video games together, sharing their lives with disputes, queries and happiness is far more reassuring than living on my own.

I enjoy every day, no, never being bored or longing for company other than that of their friends.